Cory Schmidt, Corporate Relations Manager, United Way of Central Ohio

I had, for years, looked into joining AFP but wasn’t quite sure if it would be worth my investment.  After finally joining in late 2013 it was almost immediately clear that it was!  I quickly got a mentor through the Mentor/Mentee program, joined the Marketing committee, and met a ton of new and young members at a welcome reception.  I have learned a lot about the profession and have been blown away by how quick fellow members are to help you brainstorm new ideas and work through current problems.

Testimonial – Shelley Frank

As a new member of AFP the benefits of joining are endless! Since joining in August of 2012 I have attended over a dozen lunches and events with various influential speakers. These speakers have allowed me to gain insights and ideas into what it takes to be a GREAT fundraiser. I also was able to take the Fundamentals of Fundraising Course this past August and I received a scholarship for this course, which was extra helpful! This course was packed full of great information for new-to-the-field professionals. It was especially nice because AFP made it so there weren’t too many folks in the class to make it overwhelming. It was interactive and the information I learned I brought to my colleagues, which taught them new ideas! Finally, I have had countless mentoring experiences in AFP. Each lunch, speaker session, or training that I attend is full of professionals from all over the Central Ohio non-profit community. Through conversations with these folks I have been able to truly learn what it is I want to do with my career and it has solidified the fact that the non-profit world is where I am meant to be!

Testimonial – Erich Hunker

As a longtime member of AFP, I continue to benefit from the education programming and networking with other members. What I am most pleased about is how often I pick up great ideas or am able to learn from newer, younger members. This is one reason why I am also a huge fan of the mentoring program as I know first-hand that being a mentor not only helps the mentee learn, but the mentor as well.