Governance Documents

Policy for Conflict of Interest and Nondisclosure Agreement

Adopted March 15, 2010

A. Conflict of Interest
  • Members of the Board of Directors and staff must always, during the course of services for AFP, reflect the highest standards of ethical behavior, integrity and public responsibility.
  • AFP recognizes the inherent right of members of the Board of Directors and staff to engage in outside interests and private enterprise, and the organization does not wish to impede these activities. However, to the extent that such outside interests may affect a transaction in which AFP is involved, there is potential for an actual or perceived conflict of interest. Since AFP has a legal obligation to avoid private inurement, self-dealing and misuse of member funds, it is the policy of this organization to avoid, whenever possible, all such actual or potential conflicts of interest.
  • A transaction between AFP and members of the Board of Directors and staff, or related entity, is acceptable provided that all material facts have been disclosed and, except in the case of a charitable gift, the terms, conditions and consideration involved are commercially fair and reasonable. Any proposed activities which presents or may be a conflict of interest, shall be presented to and approved, in advance, by the board.
  • All members of the Board of Directors and staff will be asked to sign this document upon the beginning of their service with AFP.
B. Nondisclosure
  • I agree that any information disclosed to me by members or staff of the AFP, or by third parties, in connection with my membership on the AFP Board or employment by AFP, will be considered privileged and confidential, including all such information relating to individual AFP members, any actions to establish, amend or enforce AFP operations, policies, plans, goals, objectives, and discussion by AFP members, staff, and third parties regarding these subjects.
  • Confidential information shall not include information previously known to me, the general public, or previously recognized as standard practice in the field.
  • I agree that I will hold all such privileged and confidential information in confidence, and will not use or disclose such information except as may be authorized by AFP, and will make my best effort to prevent its unauthorized disclosure. I acknowledge that unauthorized disclosure could cause irreparable harm and significant injury to AFP and its members. I agree that upon request, I will return to AFP all written or descriptive matter supplied by AFP, including committee agendas, minutes, and supporting documents.

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Central Ohio AFP Chapter Record Retention Guidelines

Adopted March 15, 2010

Document Retention Guideline
Articles of Incorporation & Certificate Permanent
Audited year-end financial statements Permanent
Chapter Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Permanent
Chapter Bylaws-Original & all amendments Permanent
Chapter Meeting Minutes Permanent
Year-end investment statements Permanent
Annual corporate report to state/federal government As required by state/federal law
IRS Form 990* 4 years
Bank statements, cancelled checks, vendor invoices* 4 years
Annual roster of Chapter Officers 3 years
Chapter Committee Meeting Minutes 3 years
Correspondence, program materials 3 years
*Chapters may be audited by the IRS up to 3 years from the date the annual return was due. For this reason, it is prudent to retain any records that may be required for such an audit for a period of 4 years. Note: To facilitate future destruction, it is recommended that records be stored with a “destroy date” to avoid having to review materials prior to disposal.

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AFP Member Fair Behavior Policy

Adopted March 15, 2010

  • AFP and its chapters are committed to providing an environment that is free of unlawful discrimination and/or harassment. AFP and its chapters prohibit harassment on their premises and in connection with activities (locally or traveling on association/chapter business) — whether committed by staff, volunteers, officers, or by third parties. Discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated and constitutes behavior unbecoming of a member.
  • No AFP member or officer may threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or implicitly, that an individual’s submission to, or rejection of, sexual advances will in any way influence any decisions regarding that individual’s employment; wages; advancement; membership, board, or officer status; assigned duties or any other condition of employment or career/membership development. An individual’s submission to, or rejection of, sexual advances shall not be used as the basis for employment or membership decisions concerning the individual.
  • Other harassing conduct on association or chapter premises and at association or chapter functions, or in connection with chapter activities that creates an offensive and hostile environment, whether it is in the form of physical or verbal harassment, and committed by any member or staff, is also prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, repeated offensive language or conduct, unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, propositions, stalking, continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual and the display of sexually suggestive or other offensive objects or pictures.
  • Unlawful discriminatory treatment which is found to be based upon an individual’s race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation or other legally protected characteristic is also strictly prohibited.
  • Discrimination and/or harassment can occur with a single incident or through a pattern of behavior. Discrimination and/or harassment can result from a broad range of actions, which may include but are not limited to: physical or mental abuse, racial insults, derogatory ethnic jokes, unwelcome verbal or physical conduct regarding race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability.
  • Any association or chapter employee, volunteer, or member who believes that they have been subjected to harassment may — but are not first required to — tell the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome and ask that it stop. In cases where the individual may feel uncomfortable confronting the alleged offender, the individual should report the matter to the Chapter President or to the President & CEO of AFP. Any association or chapter employee, volunteer, or member who has experienced an incident of sexual or other unlawful harassment or discrimination must promptly report the matter to the Chapter President or the President & CEO of AFP. Such internal complaints are investigated promptly. If the objectionable behavior involves an individual outside of the chapter – from AFP (a member, board member, volunteer, officer, or staff member) – then the matter should be reported solely to the President of AFP. If the objectionable behavior involves the President of AFP, then the matter should be reported to the Chair of the Board of AFP.
  • A Chapter President is required to notify and consult with the President of AFP in connection with reports of harassment or discrimination at the chapter.
  • Any individual with questions about the internal process or concerns about possible harassment or discriminatory treatment is urged to seek appropriate consultation with the AFP President & CEO. No individual will suffer retaliation, reprisal or intimidation as a result of reporting an incident or behavior in good faith. Individuals who fail to follow this procedure may not only lose the opportunity to address their concerns, but may also forfeit certain legal rights, if applicable. The association maintains confidentiality in these investigations to the extent feasible and consistent with an effective investigation and resolution, and enforcement of this policy.
  • Persons determined to have committed acts of harassment against an AFP member, employee, or volunteer may be subject to discipline up to and including removal from chapter and AFP office, termination of employment with the Chapter, and/or revocation of AFP membership. Depending on the nature of the matter, individuals alleged to be involved in harassing or discriminating behavior may be removed from association and chapter involvement pending the resolution of the investigation.

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Central Ohio AFP Chapter Whistleblower Protection Policy

Adopted July 15, 2011

The Central Ohio AFP Chapter prides itself on its adherence to federal, state, and local laws and/or regulations, including business ethics policies. As such, even though it is not obligated to do so, the Central Ohio AFP Chapter has decided to voluntarily adopt a whistleblower protection policy. Pursuant to this policy, any employee who becomes aware of any violation of federal, state, or local law or regulation, including any financial wrongdoing, should immediately report the violation to the Chapter President to allow the Chapter to investigate and, if applicable, correct the situation or condition.

If the Chapter President or other Directors are involved or believed to be involved in the matter being reported, employees may, in the alternative, make a report to the Central Ohio AFP Chapter’s legal counsel. The Chapter will conduct an investigation and take appropriate action within a reasonable period of time. Such complaints will be held in confidence to the extent the needs of the investigation permit.

“Financial wrongdoing” may include, but is not limited to:

  • questionable accounting practices;
  • fraud or deliberate error in financial statements or recordkeeping;
  • deficiencies of internal accounting controls;
  • misrepresentations to company officers or the accounting department (including deviation from full reporting of financial conditions).

If any Employee reports in good faith what the Employee believes to be a violation of the law and/or financial wrongdoing to the Chapter, its legal counsel, or to a federal, state, or local agency or assists in an investigation concerning financial wrongdoing, it is the Chapter’s policy that there will be no retaliation taken against the employee. Employees are reminded of the importance of keeping financial matters confidential. Employees with questions concerning the confidentiality or appropriateness of disclosure of particular information should contact the Chapter President.



Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Resolution

Adopted November 2017, Central Ohio AFP Board of Directors

WHEREAS the mission of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is to enable people and organizations throughout the world to practice effective and ethical fundraising through education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing and advocacy; and

WHEREAS AFP is committed to educating and encouraging its members and the nonprofit sector to better serve their respective communities; and,

WHEREAS AFP defines diversity as the seeking and achieving of a board representation of experiences, perspectives, opinions and cultures; and,

WHEREAS AFP values inclusiveness as an essential source of vitality and strength for the effective pursuit of an organization’s mission;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT AFP is committed to diversity as an ongoing proactive process in its governance, chapters, committees, membership, programs and activities.

The AFP Central Ohio Chapter values individual and organizational diversity in all dimensions including gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, physical abilities, and socio-economic status.

Definition of Diversity is the seeking and achieving of a broad representation of characteristics, experiences, perspectives, opinions and cultures.  Inclusiveness, equity, access, and justices are an essential source of vitality and strengths for the effective pursuit of our chapter and profession’s mission.

The differences and similarities that make us diverse can be internal (dimensions one is born with), external (dimensions that can change over time), or situational (dimensions that can change based on one’s vocation or life experience).

The AFP Central Ohio Board of Directors will practice to ensure that our profession and chapter proactively engages current members, reaches out to new members of diverse backgrounds and interests, and advance inclusion throughout decision-making and leadership roles.

The AFP D & I Committee will work closely and collaborate with all other AFP committees to reflect and measure best practices in the areas of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA).


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