Member Spotlight – Julie Naporano


Julie Naporano - Photo


Julie Naporano

Director of Philanthropy



Q:        Tell us a little about your organization. Mission? Population you serve? What do you like most about working there?  

A:         Homeport is an affordable housing developer who provides Central Ohio’s low-income families with needed housing and education so families and seniors can have sustainable affordable homes in safe neighborhoods where kids can grow up secure, parents can go to and from work, and seniors can grow old with dignity. We will be celebrating 30 years of development next year with a mission of building homes that center on the individual, with the understanding that providing a roof over someone’s head is only the start of a strong home and community. The people that work for Homeport are incredibly passionate about our work and we share client success stories every week. Putting a face on the mission is so important and Homeport is the organization that cares about each and every resident that lives with us.


Q:        How long have you been an AFP member, and what has your involvement been?

 A:        I have been involved with AFP for almost 3 years and serve on the Education Committee.


Q:        What do you consider the most valuable part of your AFP membership?

A:        I really enjoy the monthly meetings that provide not only a variety of educational opportunities but keep me updated on fundraising trends, the marketplace, best practices, and is a place where we in the industry can gain feedback.


Q:        How long have you been in fundraising, and how did you get into it?      

A:        I have been involved in fundraising for almost 12 years. My background is actually in accounting. After thoroughly enjoying time home with our two children I started back to work part time working with a large local caterer. Then I started working for non-profit organizations helping build new fundraising events, freshen existing events and starting new initiatives such as endowment funds or capital campaigns.  I enjoy the challenge that working for a non-profit brings and the passion of each great cause.


Q:        What is your favorite part about living/working in Columbus? Favorite Restaurant?

A:        My husband and I moved to Columbus, from New Jersey, as a stopping point for his career. We ended up falling in love with the city as a great place to raise our family while still being able to enjoy the arts and culture that we grew to like while living so close to NYC.  I love all the new pop up restaurants, the great art outlets, local sports, the museums, and the general feeling from the people that live here as loving life.


Q:        Tell us a fun fact about you that other AFP members wouldn’t know.

 A:        Ironically, I grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin but am lactose intolerant.