Cocktails & Calamities
…Lessons learned.
AFP Central Ohio’s beloved, annual “Cocktails & Calamities” tradition is back!
Our 2023 slate of speakers include:
- Kristina Rawson, Columbus College of Art & Design
- Drew Kaufman, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio
- Subha Lembach, Charity Newsies
- Sheri Jones, SureImpact
- Lori Overmyer, Goettler Associates
- Solonas Karoulla, Godman Guild Association
We often hear “development folks could write a book” when talking about their roles and real-life conversations with donors, volunteers, and community members. So much of our profession involves relationship building and oftentimes there can be awkward conversations or experiences that make us second-guess, laugh unexpectedly, or cringe altogether. Cocktails & Calamities offers a safe and reflective space for members and guests to learn from other professionals in a networking and panel environment. You’ll learn not just what happened, but the whys, how they handled it, and retrospective lessons learned.
To introduce themselves, you’ll hear a one-minute teaser from each presenter. Then you’ll get to choose which of the presenters to visit for a round table discussion where you’ll hear “the rest of the story.”
Due to space limitations, registration is limited to first come, first served. Pre-registration required and the registration deadline is July 7th at noon.
The first 30 minutes are dedicated to networking. The session will begin promptly at 5:00pm.
Appetizers and drinks will be provided!
Approved for 1.25 CFRE credits.