VP for Communications
Position Title: Vice President for Communications
Capacity: Executive Committee
Reports to: President
Key Responsibilities:
- Serves on the Executive Committee
- Coordinates the work of the Chairs of National Philanthropy Day (NPD), National Philanthropy Day Nominations, Marketing, and Technology
- Convenes meetings with these committee chairs; reports on activities to Executive Committee
- Serves as the liaison to AFP Global on marketing and communications and reports to Board and committees on AFP Global policies and issues
- Assures Chapter adherence to the AFP Global branding policy
- With Marketing Chair, develops annual marketing plan to promote activities of the Chapter and educate community about AFP and philanthropy
- With committee chairs, establishes communication and NPD calendar; ensures designated deadlines are met
- Coordinates timely and effective communications between all National Philanthropy Day committees (event, nominations and scholarships)
- Establishes policies and procedures for all Chapter graphics and communications and provides Board with guidelines
- Oversees appropriate and timely review of all Chapter communications, printed materials, and website content; provides or coordinates the editing and approval process with the Chapter Administrator and President prior to dissemination
- Oversees the selection of vendors related to design, event planning, web design, etc.
- Works to successfully achieve goals outlined in Chapter Strategic Plan
- Celebrates success; ensures that celebration includes expressions of gratitude to volunteers
- Adheres to policies and Board responsibilities as adopted by the Board of Directors
- Upon leaving office, transfers all records to successor