Marketing & Public Policy Chair
Position Title: Marketing & Public Policy Chair
Capacity: Board Member
Reports to: Vice President of Communications
Key Responsibilities:
- Organizes and chairs committee meetings
- Recruits and enlists committee members; monitors the work of volunteers to ensure timely completion of assignments
- With Vice President of Communications, develops and implements a one-year marketing plan for the Chapter including member communications, media coverage, event publicity, membership promotion and other activities designed to raise the Chapter’s visibility and its stature in the community including management of the Chapter’s social media presence
- Creates ongoing partnerships with media outlets and publications to increase awareness and visibility of Chapter
- Produces external Chapter communications and public relations including, but not limited to press releases, media relation, e-blasts, fact sheets, e-newsletter, etc.
- Prepares content schedule, produce and disseminate Chapter’s e-newsletter
- With Vice President of Communications, oversees the updating and maintenance of the Chapter website
- Creates and maintains list of media contacts for Chapter press releases and communications
- Serves as a resource for National Philanthropy Day an prepares and distributes press releases and PSAs; follows-up with media outlets to secure maximum publicity
- Serves as a resource for all other committees and provides AFP Global templates as available and appropriate
- Lists all Chapter events on local and regional event calendars and on AFP Global calendar
- Public Policy/Advocacy:
- Assigns committee member to serve as liaison to AFP Global regarding advocacy and governmental affairs/public policy issues to share with the Board and members
- Develops and implements strategies to inform Chapter members about advocacy issues and, as appropriate, deals with legislative issues and promote prudent public policy
- Develops and submits a budget to the Treasurer by designated deadline; monitors committee income and expenditures
- Provides timely and up-to-date content to Chapter Administrator and Marketing Chair for website and digital publications
- Works to successfully achieve goals outlined in Chapter Strategic Plan
- Ensures there is a succession plan to cultivate a new chair to take his/her place as needed
- Celebrates success; ensures that celebration includes expressions of gratitude to volunteers
- Adheres to policies and Board responsibilities as adopted by the Board of Directors
- Upon leaving office, transfers all records to successor