Job Bank

Job seekers, view current employment opportunities offered by local nonprofit organizations, frequently not advertised elsewhere. Employers, you can post your employment opportunity on this site.

Job Bank PostingsBack to top

The Central Ohio AFP Job Bank only accepts purchases for position postings and chapter eBlasts via our online purchase system.

NOTE: The Central Ohio AFP Chapter does not endorse these positions. Positions posted on the Job Bank are provided as a service to our members and to the nonprofit community.

You can click here to read an article from AFP Global about the benefits and inclusivity that adding a salary range to your job listing provides.


Member Pricing: $100.00 per job title
Non-member and For-profit pricing: $150.00 per job title

Term of Advertisement: 90 days. Paid job postings will remain on this web site until the Job Bank Chairperson is instructed by the advertiser to remove it. The advertiser may request that the original posting be placed back on the website with the payment of a renewal fee.

Delivery: Allow 3-5 business days from receipt of order for you position to appear on our website.

Terms of Sale: Suitability of sale shall be at the discretion of the Job Bank Chair. If your posting is determined to be inappropriate to send to our members your payment will be promptly refunded.

Payment Terms: Credit card payment is required at the time the listing is purchased.

eBlasts to MembersBack to top

We have about 300 members in our chapter who have agreed to allow us to send them unsolicited emails. If you are interested in reaching our membership, eBlasts are available. The Chapter will forward your message to our members on your behalf, including the following disclaimer.

Disclaimer: The message is sent as a paid announcement. The email is not an endorsement, and does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or recommendations of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Member Pricing: $100.00 per eBlast
Non-member and For-profit pricing: $150.00 per eBlast

Delivery: Allow 3-5 business days from receipt of order.

Terms of Sale: Suitability of sale shall be at the discretion of the Job Bank Chair. If your eBlast is determined to be inappropriate to send to our members your payment will be promptly refunded.

Payment Terms: Credit card payment is required at the time the email is purchased.

The Central Ohio chapter respects the privacy of our members and allows members to opt out of commercial mailings. When you purchase an eBlast it will be sent only for those current members who have allowed us to use their names.

We do not sell mailing labels, Excel spreadsheets or Word documents for our chapter members. If you are interested in reaching members please consider an eBlast.

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Chapter Administrator

Chapter Administrator

Chapter Administrator - Association of Fundraising Professionals Central Ohio Chapter

Contact Me

[email protected]