Chapter Governance Documents

Adopted March 15, 2010

A. Conflict of Interest

  • Members of the Board of Directors and staff must always, during the course of services for AFP, reflect the highest standards of ethical behavior, integrity and public responsibility.

  • AFP recognizes the inherent right of members of the Board of Directors and staff to engage in outside interests and private enterprise, and the organization does not wish to impede these activities. However, to the extent that such outside interests may affect a transaction in which AFP is involved, there is potential for an actual or perceived conflict of interest. Since AFP has a legal obligation to avoid private inurement, self-dealing and misuse of member funds, it is the policy of this organization to avoid, whenever possible, all such actual or potential conflicts of interest.

  • A transaction between AFP and members of the Board of Directors and staff, or related entity, is acceptable provided that all material facts have been disclosed and, except in the case of a charitable gift, the terms, conditions and consideration involved are commercially fair and reasonable. Any proposed activities which presents or may be a conflict of interest, shall be presented to and approved, in advance, by the board.

  • All members of the Board of Directors and staff will be asked to sign this document upon the beginning of their service with AFP.

B. Nondisclosure

  • I agree that any information disclosed to me by members or staff of the AFP, or by third parties, in connection with my membership on the AFP Board or employment by AFP, will be considered privileged and confidential, including all such information relating to individual AFP members, any actions to establish, amend or enforce AFP operations, policies, plans, goals, objectives, and discussion by AFP members, staff, and third parties regarding these subjects.

  • Confidential information shall not include information previously known to me, the general public, or previously recognized as standard practice in the field.

  • I agree that I will hold all such privileged and confidential information in confidence, and will not use or disclose such information except as may be authorized by AFP, and will make my best effort to prevent its unauthorized disclosure. I acknowledge that unauthorized disclosure could cause irreparable harm and significant injury to AFP and its members. I agree that upon request, I will return to AFP all written or descriptive matter supplied by AFP, including committee agendas, minutes, and supporting documents.



Adopted by the Central Ohio Chapter membership December 10, 2013


 Name and Status.  The name of this corporation is the AFP  Central Ohio Chapter (“Chapter”), which is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Ohio and which is a chapter and affiliate of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (“AFP” or the “Association”).  The Board of Directors of AFP has granted a charter to the Chapter, which agrees to conduct its affairs and programs in compliance with the strategic plans, policies, procedures, Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association  and which has entered into a separate Chapter Affiliation Agreement with the Association to further set forth the terms of affiliation.


 Section 1.   General Purposes.  The Chapter is organized and shall be operated exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 2.  Specific Objectives and Purposes.  The specific objectives and purposes of the Chapter shall be to promote the common professional interests of AFP members as stated in the Bylaws of the Association, and to further the purposes of the Chapter through nonprofit activities including, but not limited to, education, training, meetings, workshops, publications and other relevant activities.


 The Chapter shall be responsible for educating the membership and the public regarding the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards (“Code”).  The Chapter shall not conduct investigations or consider allegations of violations of the Code made against members, nor shall it suggest, issue, or render advisory opinions on matters related to the Code, but shall refer such matters to the AFP Ethics Committee.  The Chapter shall function in accordance with the Association’s statement of the “Role of Chapters in the AFP Ethics Process” and in accordance with the AFP statement of Procedures Relating to Enforcement of the Code.


 Section 1.  Membership.  All members of the Chapter must be members of the Association in compliance with the policies, procedures, and Bylaws of the Association.

Section 2.  Categories.  Membership categories for the Chapter shall be consistent with the AFP categories of membership as determined by the Association Board of Directors, which shall adopt policies and procedures setting voting privileges; eligibility for membership in each category; application and acceptance procedures; payment schedules; procedures for notifying delinquent members; establishing the date after which members will be dropped from membership for nonpayment; policies regarding transferability and reinstatement of membership; and, required national dues and fees for each membership category.

Section 3.  Voting.  A member is eligible to vote if (s)he meets the criteria for voting membership in the Association and the Chapter.  Each such member present at a membership meeting of the Chapter shall be entitled to one vote. If applicable state law permits, members may also vote electronically in accordance with such law.

Section 4.  Dues.  Members shall pay annual dues to the Association as determined from time to time by the Association Board of Directors and annual dues to the Chapter as determined from time to time by the Chapter Board of Directors.


 Section 1.  Regular Meetings.  Regular meetings of the Chapter members shall be held at least quarterly on such dates and at such times and places as the Chapter Board of Directors shall determine.  The Chapter shall hold an annual meeting, which may be one of the regular meetings, for the purposes of electing directors and officers, receiving financial statements, receiving reports of officers and committees, and such other business as shall be determined by the Chapter Board of Directors. Written notice of regular and annual meetings shall be given to the members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.

Section 2.  Special Meetings.  Special meetings of members may be called by the Chapter Board of Directors, or by petition delivered to the Secretary of 25% of the Chapter membership eligible to vote.  Written notice of special meetings shall be given to members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and shall state the purpose(s) of the meeting; no business other than that stated in the notice shall be considered at the meeting.

Section 3.    Quorum.  At least ten (10) percent OR at least fifty (50) of the members of the Chapter who are eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum, unless a higher number is required by applicable law.



 Section 1.  Composition.  The Chapter Board of Directors shall consist of not less than five (5) or more than thirty-five (35) individuals (including the officers) who shall be elected by the members of the Chapter eligible to vote. All directors shall be members in good standing of the Association and the Chapter and shall maintain such membership at all times during their terms in office. Directors shall serve without compensation

Section 2.  General Authority.  The Board of Directors of the Chapter shall govern, manage, supervise, and control the business, property and affairs of the Chapter consistent with the strategic plan, policies and procedures, Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the chapter and the Association. No action taken by the Chapter Board of Directors shall conflict with action taken by the Association’s Board of Directors.

Section 3.  Chapter Board of Director Meetings. The Chapter Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year in person on such dates and at such times and places as the Chapter Board of Directors shall determine.  Additional meetings of the Board may be held as determined and scheduled by the Chapter Board of Directors.  Written notice of meetings of the Board shall be given to Directors at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.  Directors may participate and vote in Board meetings held by telephone conference call, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.

Section 4.  Quorum.  A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Chapter Board.

Section 5.  Term of Office.  Directors shall serve one year terms.  No director may serve more than eight years consecutively on the chapter board unless also serving as president, president-elect or immediate past president. A one-year break in service is required otherwise.

Section 6. Manner of Election of Directors.  The Committee on Directorship shall present a slate of director nominees to all Chapter members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting. Voting shall be conducted pursuant to policies, procedures and criteria adopted by the Chapter Board of Directors.

Section 7. Resignation and Removal. A director may resign at any time by giving written, including electronic mail, notice to the president or secretary.  Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Any director may be removed by a majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the board, at which a quorum is present, for any reason.

Section 8.  Vacancies.  In case of resignation of a director or vacancy in a director position, the Board of Directors shall fill such vacancy for the unexpired term of such director.  Any director filling an unexpired term will be eligible to serve one additional one year term, except as otherwise provided in Article VI, Section 5.


 Section 1.  Officers.  The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, Vice Presidents (as determined by the chapter board as necessary or advisable), a Secretary, and a Treasurer.  All officers must be members of the Chapter Board of Directors and shall serve without compensation.  The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws.  The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same individual.

Section 2.  Manner of Election of Officers.  The Committee on Directorship shall present a slate of officer nominees to all Chapter members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the Chapter Board of Directors. The officers shall be elected at an annual meeting of the membership, and shall serve one year terms, with a maximum of two terms in each office, but may qualify for two additional one year terms after a minimum one year break in service, for a total lifetime service of four years in each office.

Section 3.  Resignations and Removal.  An officer may resign at any time by serving written notice to the President or Chapter Board of Directors.  Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein or, if no time is specified, upon receipt by the President or the Chapter Board of Directors.

Any elected officer may be removed, for any reason, at any time by a majority vote of the members of the board then in office.  Removal may occur at any regular or special meeting of the board.

Section 4.  Vacancies.  In case of resignation of an officer or vacancy in an officer position, the Board of Directors shall fill such vacancy for the unexpired term of such officer in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the Chapter Board.  If the office of President becomes vacant, the President-elect shall become President for the unexpired term and shall, if acceptable to the individual, continue to serve as President for a full term beginning at the end of the unexpired term.

Section 5.  President.  The President of the Chapter shall perform the duties commonly incident to the office of the president including, but not limited to, chairing meetings of the Board and membership of the Chapter.

Section 6. President-elect.  The President-elect shall perform the duties of the President during the absence or disability of the President and such other duties as the President and the Chapter Board of Directors may designate.

Section 7. Vice President(s).   A Vice President shall perform such duties as the President and the Chapter Board of Directors may designate.

Section 8. Treasurer.  The Treasurer of the Chapter shall perform the duties commonly incident to the office of the treasurer and such other duties as the President or Chapter Board of Directors may designate.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for all records and filings related to the finances of the Chapter.

Section 9.  Secretary.  The Secretary of the Chapter shall perform the duties commonly incident to the office of secretary and such other duties as the President and Chapter Board of Directors may designate The Secretary shall keep a book of minutes of all regular meetings of the Board and, if directed by the Board, meetings of committees and of members and shall assure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law


 Section 1.  Standing Committees.  The Chapter shall have the following Standing Committees and the Chapter Board of Directors may establish and appoint other committees in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the Board.

A. Executive Committee.  The Chapter Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers.  The Chapter Executive Committee shall have the powers of the Board necessary to conduct the business of the Chapter between meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors, but may not fill vacancies in Directors, adopt, amend or repeal bylaws, or set membership fees.  The Chapter Executive Committee shall convene upon the call of the President.  A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

B. Committee on Directorship.  The Committee on Directorship shall consist of at least three members, including the Immediate Past President, who shall serve as Chair of the Committee.


 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Chap­ter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the law, these Bylaws, or the policies, procedures, or Bylaws of the Association.


 Section 1.  Limitations.  The Chapter shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these Bylaws, and no part of the net earnings, gains or assets of the Chapter shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its directors, officers, other private individuals, or organizations organized and operating for profit, except that the Chapter is authorized and empowered to pay reasonable fees for products and services consistent with the limitations set forth in policies, procedures, or the Bylaws of the Chapter.

Section 2.  Dissolution.  Upon dissolution or final liquidation of the Chapter, any remaining assets of the Chapter shall, after payment or the making of provision for payment of all the lawful debts and liabilities of the Chapter, be distributed to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy.


 These Bylaws may be amended at any membership meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote of the eligible members casting votes provided a quorum exists and, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the international Association not less than sixty (60) days and to the membership not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be considered by the membership.


The fiscal year of the Chapter shall be the calendar year, or as otherwise determined by the Association Board of Directors.


 Section 1.  Indemnification by Corporation of Directors and Officers.  The directors, officers, committee members, employees, and other volunteers of the Chapter shall be indemnified by the Chapter to the fullest extent permissible under the laws of this state.

Section 2.  Insurance for Corporate Agents.  The Chapter Board of Directors shall, in a current and timely manner, fulfill the requirements set forth by the Association’s Directors and Officers Liability Insurance program.

Chapter Bylaws Approved on December 10, 2013 by unanimous vote at the Central Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting

Emily Campbell    December 10, 2013

Chapter Secretary                    Date

Bylaws approved by the AFP International Board of Directors on October 5, 2013

Bylaws presented to the Central Ohio Chapter membership for approval December 10, 2013

Adopted March 15, 2010

Articles of Incorporation & Certificate Permanent

Audited year-end financial statements Permanent

Chapter Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Permanent

Chapter Bylaws-Original & all amendments Permanent

Chapter Meeting Minutes Permanent

Year-end investment statements Permanent

Annual corporate report to state/federal government As required by state/federal law

IRS Form 990* 4 years

Bank statements, cancelled checks, vendor invoices* 4 years

Annual roster of Chapter Officers 3 years

Chapter Committee Meeting Minutes 3 years

Correspondence, program materials 3 years

*Chapters may be audited by the IRS up to 3 years from the date the annual return was due. For this reason, it is prudent to retain any records that may be required for such an audit for a period of 4 years. Note: To facilitate future destruction, it is recommended that records be stored with a “destroy date” to avoid having to review materials prior to disposal.

Adopted March 15, 2010

  • AFP and its chapters are committed to providing an environment that is free of unlawful discrimination and/or harassment. AFP and its chapters prohibit harassment on their premises and in connection with activities (locally or traveling on association/chapter business) — whether committed by staff, volunteers, officers, or by third parties. Discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated and constitutes behavior unbecoming of a member.

  • No AFP member or officer may threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or implicitly, that an individual’s submission to, or rejection of, sexual advances will in any way influence any decisions regarding that individual’s employment; wages; advancement; membership, board, or officer status; assigned duties or any other condition of employment or career/membership development. An individual’s submission to, or rejection of, sexual advances shall not be used as the basis for employment or membership decisions concerning the individual.

  • Other harassing conduct on association or chapter premises and at association or chapter functions, or in connection with chapter activities that creates an offensive and hostile environment, whether it is in the form of physical or verbal harassment, and committed by any member or staff, is also prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, repeated offensive language or conduct, unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, propositions, stalking, continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual and the display of sexually suggestive or other offensive objects or pictures.

  • Unlawful discriminatory treatment which is found to be based upon an individual’s race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation or other legally protected characteristic is also strictly prohibited.

  • Discrimination and/or harassment can occur with a single incident or through a pattern of behavior. Discrimination and/or harassment can result from a broad range of actions, which may include but are not limited to: physical or mental abuse, racial insults, derogatory ethnic jokes, unwelcome verbal or physical conduct regarding race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability.

  • Any association or chapter employee, volunteer, or member who believes that they have been subjected to harassment may — but are not first required to — tell the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome and ask that it stop. In cases where the individual may feel uncomfortable confronting the alleged offender, the individual should report the matter to the Chapter President or to the President & CEO of AFP. Any association or chapter employee, volunteer, or member who has experienced an incident of sexual or other unlawful harassment or discrimination must promptly report the matter to the Chapter President or the President & CEO of AFP. Such internal complaints are investigated promptly. If the objectionable behavior involves an individual outside of the chapter – from AFP (a member, board member, volunteer, officer, or staff member) – then the matter should be reported solely to the President of AFP. If the objectionable behavior involves the President of AFP, then the matter should be reported to the Chair of the Board of AFP.

  • A Chapter President is required to notify and consult with the President of AFP in connection with reports of harassment or discrimination at the chapter.

  • Any individual with questions about the internal process or concerns about possible harassment or discriminatory treatment is urged to seek appropriate consultation with the AFP President & CEO. No individual will suffer retaliation, reprisal or intimidation as a result of reporting an incident or behavior in good faith. Individuals who fail to follow this procedure may not only lose the opportunity to address their concerns, but may also forfeit certain legal rights, if applicable. The association maintains confidentiality in these investigations to the extent feasible and consistent with an effective investigation and resolution, and enforcement of this policy.

  • Persons determined to have committed acts of harassment against an AFP member, employee, or volunteer may be subject to discipline up to and including removal from chapter and AFP office, termination of employment with the Chapter, and/or revocation of AFP membership. Depending on the nature of the matter, individuals alleged to be involved in harassing or discriminating behavior may be removed from association and chapter involvement pending the resolution of the investigation.

Adopted July 15, 2011

The Central Ohio AFP Chapter prides itself on its adherence to federal, state, and local laws and/or regulations, including business ethics policies. As such, even though it is not obligated to do so, the Central Ohio AFP Chapter has decided to voluntarily adopt a whistleblower protection policy. Pursuant to this policy, any employee who becomes aware of any violation of federal, state, or local law or regulation, including any financial wrongdoing, should immediately report the violation to the Chapter President to allow the Chapter to investigate and, if applicable, correct the situation or condition.

If the Chapter President or other Directors are involved or believed to be involved in the matter being reported, employees may, in the alternative, make a report to the Central Ohio AFP Chapter’s legal counsel. The Chapter will conduct an investigation and take appropriate action within a reasonable period of time. Such complaints will be held in confidence to the extent the needs of the investigation permit.

“Financial wrongdoing” may include, but is not limited to:

  • questionable accounting practices;

  • fraud or deliberate error in financial statements or recordkeeping;

  • deficiencies of internal accounting controls;

  • misrepresentations to company officers or the accounting department (including deviation from full reporting of financial conditions).

If any Employee reports in good faith what the Employee believes to be a violation of the law and/or financial wrongdoing to the Chapter, its legal counsel, or to a federal, state, or local agency or assists in an investigation concerning financial wrongdoing, it is the Chapter’s policy that there will be no retaliation taken against the employee. Employees are reminded of the importance of keeping financial matters confidential. Employees with questions concerning the confidentiality or appropriateness of disclosure of particular information should contact the Chapter President.

Adopted November 2020, Central Ohio AFP Board of Directors 

AFP’s vision is to stimulate a world of generosity and positive social good through fundraising best practice. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research and advocacy. As part of our commitment to educating and encouraging our members and the nonprofit sector to better serve their respective communities, we value inclusiveness, equity, access and justice as essential sources of vitality and strength. This commitment to inclusiveness empowers the effective and equitable pursuit of our chapter and profession’s mission. 

AFP defines diversity as the seeking and achieving of a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, opinions and cultures. Bearing in mind our organizational commitment to diversity as an ongoing proactive process in its governance, chapters, committees, membership, programs and activities, we believe AFP has an opportunity and a responsibility to invest in and to lead the charge in the areas of equity and access in the nonprofit sector. We also believe philanthropy requires a continuous renewal of ideas and perspectives that reflect the evolving needs and diversity of the communities it is embedded in through the equitable participation of its members. 

As such, the AFP Central Ohio Chapter values individual and organizational diversity in all dimensions including gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical abilities, and socio-economic status. The differences and similarities that make us diverse can be internal (dimensions one is born with), external (dimensions that can change over time), or situational (dimensions that can change based on one’s vocation or life experience). As part of our commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity and access, the AFP Central Ohio Board of Directors will practice regular, proactive exploration of potential underlying, unquestioned assumptions and biases that interfere with inclusiveness. We are committed to ensuring that our profession and chapter: 

  • Provides equal access and opportunity to all members; 
  • Proactively engages current members; 
  • Intentionally seeks new members from diverse backgrounds and interests;
  • Advances inclusion throughout decision making and leadership roles; and,
  • Reflects the communities in which we live, work and serve. 

The AFP Central Ohio Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Committee furthermore commits to working closely and collaboratively with all other AFP Central Ohio committees to model and measure best practices in the areas of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access. 

Originally written and approved in 2014. Reapproved in 2017. Modified/approved in 2020.

AFP Central Ohio Current Vision, Mission and Value Proposition

The Mission of the Central Ohio Chapter  

The Central Ohio Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals exists to empower, support, and engage individuals who fundraise in our community.

The Vision of the Central Ohio Chapter  

The Vision of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals is a thriving network of professionals who strengthen our nonprofit community by advancing ethical donor-centered philanthropy.

The Value Proposition of the Central Ohio Chapter 

We serve to strengthen Central Ohio’s positive social good by advancing:

  • professionals who have the knowledge they need
  • nonprofits who have the talent they need, and
  • donors who have the impact they intend.

4 Pillars AFP Central Ohio’s 2021-2023 Strategic Plan:



We will offer programming that is responsive, relevant, and high quality to all who work in the fundraising field, while making sure it is accessible and inclusive to all.

Tactic Lead
Monthly Topics with Branching Programs Education Chair
Speaker RFP Process Education Chair Elect
Track Programs VP Professional Development
National/Regional Speakers Education Committee
Mentoring Enhancements Mentoring Chair
Technology Integration Chapter Admin & Executive Committee
CFRE Review Global Education Courses Chair

 AFP Central Ohio Landmarks/Milestones:

  • Increase the accessibility of professional development opportunities available to members who have limited access to quality education offerings or who lack the resources to participate in large (in-person) AFP gatherings. 
  • Develop a Board Training and leadership development program that equips nonprofits with a training series with the essential education and training needed to support, develop and hone board governance skills that are critical to the success of nonprofits in our region. 
  • Create an ongoing mechanism for assessing the needs, including emergence of new skills and competencies, relevant templates, K.P.Is and preferences of learners, as well as a process for sharing those insights with AFP members. 
  • Assess our current learning and leadership pathways for our AFP members contingent on their age, stage in career, focus area, career aspirations or employment segment.
  • Create a pathway for participants of AFP Affinity Groups into engaged membership and volunteer opportunities.  


We will position our members to be effective and influential leaders and advocates for the causes, organizations, and communities they serve. We envision a future when: 1) AFP members are engaged and committed to the growth and expansion of AFP, because Central Ohio AFP meets our members where they are, with the resources they need, when they need them, 2) The Central Ohio nonprofit community is supported and inspired by the efforts of the chapter, creating a foundation for a sustainable and comprehensive revenue stream and 3) Central Ohio AFP National Philanthropy Day serves as the premier event to uplift the fundraising profession and celebrate social good in our local region. 

This will be seen through increased membership and increased engagement, because the collective influence of the chapter and its benefits are clear to the community.  

Tactic Lead
Create foundation for an ongoing member “storybank” that tells unique perspectives of value and impact Marketing Chair
Work with Chairs on key marketing content for Member Digest and Social Media on a quarterly basis Marketing Chair
Brand Standards Development Communications VP
Create Education Handouts Communications VP/Edu Committee/Volunteer Chair
New Member Materials Membership VP/Marketing Chair/ Volunteer Chair
Member Statistics/Impact Marketing VP
Review and Revise sponsorship strategy in order to maximize NPD Chair, Sponsorship Chair, Pres. Elect

AFP Central Ohio Landmarks/Milestones: 

  • Create tools and opportunities that cultivate a strong sense of connectedness between Central Ohio AFP members.
  • Develop Chapter Sponsorship options which fulfil Chapter Scholarship needs, support our partners and position Central Ohio AFP as a thought leader to build up the fundraising profession
  • Position Central Ohio AFP as an influential thought leader and voice for Central Ohio’s philanthropic community and nonprofit sector.
  •  Create a mechanism for identifying and disseminating timely policies and laws that affect fundraisers and position AFP to influence policies and laws important to fundraisers in North America.
  • Secure revenue generating partnerships and sponsorships with regional organizations that contribute to our Chapter and the Professional Development core initiatives.


As a chapter, we will uphold our IDEA statement, expanding access to historically under-represented groups and individuals, providing learning opportunities and tools to our members to advance IDEA, and continuing to make our chapter an inclusive place to learn and grow for all identities. 

Tactic Lead
Central Ohio Nonprofit Demographics & Board IDEA Training Membership VP, IDEA Chair, (Immediate Past President)
Hosting programs, including both trainings and discussions, to advance IDEA IDEA Chair
Advancing Next in Fundraising IDEA Chair/Collegiate & Sponsorship
Creating and distributing tools and resources to members IDEA & Membership Chairs
Collaborating with Membership Committee to collect data and recruit IDEA & Membership Chairs
Friends of Diversity Designation Membership VP & Chapter Admin

AFP Central Ohio IDEA Landmarks/Milestones:

Demonstrate inclusion, diversity, equity and access within our Board, committees, volunteers and work groups. Uphold our IDEA Champion designations. 

  • Programs: Hosts at least one annual event focused on IDEA (measure is # of events) and collaborate with Education Committee to ensure IDEA is incorporated into monthly sessions (measure is whether this convo/collab happens)
  • Tools: Create/find and distribute at least one IDEA-focused tool or resource & continue sharing resources in the digest (measure(s) is # of resources and # of digest write-ups)
  • Collaborating with membership: review of registration sign-up questions, annual survey (measure is whether this happens)
  • Board: Host a training/workshop to remind board members how to incorporate IDEA into every aspect of the board (measure is whether or not this happens)



AFP Central Ohio will promote ethical fundraising, meaningful connections, and the advancement of the fundraising professional in all aspects of their profession.

Tactic Lead
Global Relationship/Benefits Immediate Past President
Local Fee Structures

Adding Sustainability Fee to events

ROI of Key Programs/Activities Treasurer w/ Education Chair
Sponsorship & Partnership Ops Sponsorship Chair/Education Chair Elect
Internal & External Assessment: Staffing & Board Structure President-Elect
Internal Assessment: Committee and Additional Staffing Needs President-Elect
ROI OF additional Staffing Costs & Models President-Elect

Chapter Destination:  We envision the moment when the importance of adhering to ethical fundraising practices is a notion that is embraced widely throughout Central Ohio; when AFP members are consistently in positions where they can effectively champion the importance of running ethical and credible nonprofit organizations; when our Chapter is seen by Central Ohio nonprofit organizations as the key resource for the professional development of ethical fundraising  leaders, trained nonprofit Board members; and when AFP’s Code of Ethics continues to be a key differentiator for the Association, serving to strengthen fundraising and increase public trust in charitable giving.

AFP Central Ohio Landmarks/Milestones:

  • Establish AFP Central Ohio as a go-to resource across the fundraising sector for ethical principles and practices. 
  • Encourage more nonprofit organizations to look to our Chapter to provide training with the tools and insights they need to be effective and impactful board members, both the individual and the organization they serve. 
  • Increase confidence in charitable giving and the fundraising sector.

Download: AFP Code of Ethics January 2015

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) exists to foster the development and growth of fundraising professionals and the profession, to promote high ethical behavior in the fundraising profession and to preserve and enhance philanthropy and volunteerism.

Members of AFP are motivated by an inner drive to improve the quality of life through the causes they serve. They serve the ideal of philanthropy, are committed to the preservation and enhancement of volunteerism; and hold stewardship of these concepts as the overriding direction of their professional life. They recognize their responsibility to ensure that needed resources are vigorously and ethically sought and that the intent of the donor is honestly fulfilled.

To these ends, AFP members, both individual and business, embrace certain values that they strive to uphold in performing their responsibilities for generating philanthropic support. AFP business members strive to promote and protect the work and mission of their client organizations.

AFP members both individual and business aspire to:

  • Practice their profession with integrity, honesty, truthfulness and adherence to the absolute obligation to safeguard the public trust

  • Act according to the highest goals and visions of their organizations, professions, clients and consciences

  • Put philanthropic mission above personal gain

  • Inspire others through their own sense of dedication and high purpose

  • Improve their professional knowledge and skills, so that their performance will better serve others

  • Demonstrate concern for the interests and well-being of individuals affected by their actions

  • Value the privacy, freedom of choice and interests of all those affected by their actions

  • Foster cultural diversity and pluralistic values and treat all people with dignity and respect

  • Affirm, through personal giving, a commitment to philanthropy and its role in society

  • Adhere to the spirit as well as the letter of all applicable laws and regulations

  • Advocate within their organizations adherence to all applicable laws and regulations

  • Avoid even the appearance of any criminal offense or professional misconduct

  • Bring credit to the fundraising profession by their public demeanor

  • Encourage colleagues to embrace and practice these ethical principles and standards

  • Be aware of the codes of ethics promulgated by other professional organizations that serve philanthropy

Furthermore, while striving to act according to the above values, AFP members, both individual and business, agree to abide (and to ensure, to the best of their ability, that all members of their staff abide) by the AFP standards. Violation of the standards may subject the member to disciplinary sanctions, including expulsion, as provided in the AFP Ethics Enforcement Procedures.

Member Obligations

  • Members shall not engage in activities that harm the members’ organizations, clients or profession.

  • Members shall not engage in activities that conflict with their fiduciary, ethical and legal obligations to their organizations, clients or profession.

  • Members shall effectively disclose all potential and actual conflicts of interest; such disclosure does not preclude or imply ethical impropriety.

  • Members shall not exploit any relationship with a donor, prospect, volunteer, client or employee for the benefit of the members or the members’ organizations.

  • Members shall comply with all applicable local, state, provincial and federal civil and criminal laws.

  • Members recognize their individual boundaries of competence and are forthcoming and truthful about their professional experience and qualifications and will represent their achievements accurately and without exaggeration.

  • Members shall present and supply products and/or services honestly and without misrepresentation and will clearly identify the details of those products, such as availability of the products and/or services and other factors that may affect the suitability of the products and/or services for donors, clients or nonprofit organizations.

  • Members shall establish the nature and purpose of any contractual relationship at the outset and will be responsive and available to organizations and their employing organizations before, during and after any sale of materials and/or services. Members will comply with all fair and reasonable obligations created by the contract.

  • Members shall refrain from knowingly infringing the intellectual property rights of other parties at all times. Members shall address and rectify any inadvertent infringement that may occur.

  • Members shall protect the confidentiality of all privileged information relating to the provider/client relationships.

  • Members shall refrain from any activity designed to disparage competitors untruthfully.

Solicitation and Use of Philanthropic Funds

  • Members shall take care to ensure that all solicitation and communication materials are accurate and correctly reflect their organizations’ mission and use of solicited funds.

  • Members shall take care to ensure that donors receive informed, accurate and ethical advice about the value and tax implications of contributions.

  • Members shall take care to ensure that contributions are used in accordance with donors’ intentions.

  • Members shall take care to ensure proper stewardship of all revenue sources, including timely reports on the use and management of such funds.

  • Members shall obtain explicit consent by donors before altering the conditions of financial transactions.

Presentation of Information

  • Members shall not disclose privileged or confidential information to unauthorized parties.

  • Members shall adhere to the principle that all donor and prospect information created by, or on behalf of, an organization or a client is the property of that organization or client and shall not be transferred or utilized except on behalf of that organization or client.

  • Members shall give donors and clients the opportunity to have their names removed from lists that are sold to, rented to or exchanged with other organizations.

  • Members shall, when stating fundraising results, use accurate and consistent accounting methods that conform to the appropriate guidelines adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)* for the type of organization involved. (* In countries outside of the United States, comparable authority should be utilized.)

Compensation and Contracts

  • Members shall not accept compensation or enter into a contract that is based on a percentage of contributions; nor shall members accept finder’s fees or contingent fees. Business members must refrain from receiving compensation from third parties derived from products or services for a client without disclosing that third-party compensation to the client (for example, volume rebates from vendors to business members).

  • Members may accept performance-based compensation, such as bonuses, provided such bonuses are in accord with prevailing practices within the members’ own organizations and are not based on a percentage of contributions.

  • Members shall neither offer nor accept payments or special considerations for the purpose of influencing the selection of products or services.

  • Members shall not pay finder’s fees, commissions or percentage compensation based on contributions, and shall take care to discourage their organizations from making such payments.

  • Any member receiving funds on behalf of a donor or client must meet the legal requirements for the disbursement of those funds. Any interest or income

For additional information please visit the AFP website at

The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AAFRC), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). It has been endorsed by numerous organizations.

Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the nonprofit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:

  1. To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.

  2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.

  3. To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.

  4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.

  5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.

  6. To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.

  7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.

  8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.

  9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.

  10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.