Cliff Wiltshire
Development Director
Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center (CRC)

Tell us a little about CRC and what do you enjoy about working there? The CRC is a settlement house which has existed in Clintonville since 1971. Because of that designation, its leaders are able to regularly review the landscape of needs in the community and then determine the best services to meet those needs. The CRC currently operates a busy Choice Food Pantry that’s accessible seven days a week, a recently expanded Kids Club afterschool and summer experience program, and a thriving Senior Services department that helps a large and growing population of people 60 and older who often require just a little support in order to remain safe and happy in their homes. As a fundraiser, I deeply appreciate the way the CRC has many “hooks” for me to make connections with potential donors. On a personal note, I enjoy making a positive difference in my community, especially in helping provide direct material assistance to people who are facing difficult times.
What has your involvement been with AFP? I joined AFP two years ago when I became a full-time fundraiser. I attended the AFP International Conference in San Antonio in 2014 (with a great group of Central Ohio Chapter members)! I also attend monthly educational luncheons when possible and belong to the “Small Shop” affinity group.
What do you consider the most valuable part of your membership? As a relatively new fundraiser, I especially appreciate the connections I’m able to make through AFP, with fellow fundraisers as well as with helpful and vetted resources for continuing education.
Why did you become a fundraiser? After 2 years in community journalist, primarily as a reporter and editor, I was looking for a “second career” in which I would be able to utilize some of the skills and gifts that I developed during that time. In fundraising, I am asked to develop relationships with other people, take he facts and stories from my agency and share them with the public, and help the CRC effectively share its story with the community. It has felt like a natural move for me to make.
Tell us some of you favorites parts about Columbus? I really enjoy the small-town feel of most of Columbus, along with its great variety of entertainment options from the arts to sports and lots more. For my favorite restaurants, I’m not one to venture far from home in Clintonville: pizza from Pizza House, a pepper burger from O’Reilly’s Pub, pulled pot nachos from Iron Grill and a Mozart torte and coffee rom Mozart’s (but not all for one meal)!
Posted September 2015