Scholarship Programs

Our scholarships provide opportunities for current members and prospective members to enhance their professional development and become more engaged with AFP – locally and globally. We encourage you to apply and recruit fellow colleagues to consider how a scholarship might benefit their career. Past AFP scholarship recipients acknowledge the value of our scholarship program and encourage others to apply.

Tiffany Priest, 2024 Scholarships & Collegiate Chapter Chair

Welcome Back Membership 
This scholarship is available to anyone whose AFP membership has been expired for 30 days or more at the time of applying. When paying membership dues through AFP Global, applicants are responsible for choosing the appropriate membership category.

AFP International Conference (ICON) is an annual event and is the #1 fundraising conference in the world. Open to all current members who meet the criteria of the specific scholarship for which the applicant is applying, Chamberlain (Full 2024 ICON Conference registration + $1,500 travel), Emerging Scholar ($1,000 towards costs) and Attendance ($1,000 towards costs). One scholarship will be awarded in each category. The committee will consider a number of criteria including applicants’ need and involvement in the chapter when awarding. Members who have received a scholarship to attend the AFP international Conference (ICON) in the previous three years are not eligible to apply. The Chamberlain Scholarship recipient will be provided a special
registration link for 2023 ICON Conference.

Fundamentals of Fundraising
The AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising Course offers a complete overview of the development function, featuring the most current information and techniques for individuals with 0 to 4 years of fundraising experience. This intensive 16-hour program is held over a two-day period, and it approved for 16 CFRE points!

CFRE Application/Exam Fee
The CFRE application/exam fee scholarship covers up to 50% of the application/exam fee and is open to members who are pursing their INITIAL CFRE exam. This scholarship does not cover renewal application fee.

AFP LEAD Conference
AFP LEAD is AFP’s annual leadership development conference, focused on equipping both emerging and experienced leaders with the latest and greatest skills essential to being an effective leader in the nonprofit fundraising sector. Three scholarships will be awarded yearly to cover the cost of registration.

Other Educational Opportunities
Members may apply for scholarship to attend an educational session put on by AFP,
COPGC/PPP, CASE or the University of Indiana School of Fundraising. Recipients will be reimbursed for 5o% of the registration fee up to $400 after providing proof of registration. Please note this is for registration only and does not include any other expenses associated with the course.

For questions about any of the scholarship opportunities please contact this year’s Scholarships & Collegiate Chapter Chair at [email protected].

Welcome Back Membership Scholarship​:

  • Who is able to apply? Those who previously had an active annual AFP membership that has expired 30 days or more at time of applying. Your past AFP membership does not have to have been exclusively associated with the AFP of Central Ohio chapter. For inquiries about opportunities for new members, please contact Scholarship Chair, Jennifer MacCartney.
  • Are consultants able to apply? Yes, if the consultant meets the criteria for AFP membership and has a membership that has been expired 30 days or more at time of applying.
  • How is the scholarship awarded? The Welcome Back membership scholarship is awarded as a reimbursement for the full costs of association and chapter dues combined. Scholarship recipients must apply and pay membership dues before receiving reimbursement. When paying for membership through AFP Global, applicants are responsible for choosing the appropriate membership category (i.e. professional, retired, young, associate, and small nonprofit.) A reimbursement form will be provided to the final scholarship recipients. The form and proof of membership purchase must then be submitted to the AFP treasurer to receive reimbursement.
  • Do I have any requirements for accepting the scholarship? Yes, all scholarship recipients are required to serve on a Central Ohio AFP committee between January 2023 and December 2023. (Recipients may opt to begin serving in 2023, if they so desire but must stay active through December 2024.)

2024 AFP International Conference (ICON) Scholarship:

Open to all current members of the Central Ohio AFP chapter who meet the criteria of the specific scholarship for which the applicant is applying (Chamberlain, Emerging Scholar or Attendance Scholarship). The committee will consider a number of criteria including applicants’ need and involvement in the chapter when awarding. Members who have received a scholarship to attend the AFP international Conference (ICON) in the previous three years are not eligible to apply. All scholarships are funded as reimbursements. The Chamberlain Scholarship recipient will be provided a special registration link for 2024 ICON Conference.

Fundamentals of Fundraising Registration Scholarship:

  • Who is able to apply? All current members of the Central Ohio AFP chapter as well as non-Central Ohio AFP members are invited to apply. Full and half tuition scholarships are available for AFP members and half tuition scholarships are available for non-members. The committee will consider a number of criteria including applicants’ need and involvement in the chapter when awarding.
  • Are consultants able to apply? Yes.
  • How is the scholarship awarded? The Fundamentals of Fundraising Scholarships are reimbursement scholarships. Full tuition and half tuition reimbursements will be provided for the 2022 Fundamentals of Fundraising Course hosted by Central Ohio AFP. (Note: Only AFP members are eligible for full tuition scholarships.) There is no reimbursement for any other fees or expenses associated with the course.
  • Can I apply for other scholarships when I apply for this scholarship? Yes, however, the committee will take into consideration other scholarships you have received in the past.
  • Do I have any requirements for accepting the scholarship? Yes, recipients are expected to fully participate in the course and are required to serve on a Central Ohio AFP committee for a one year period.

CFRE Application/Exam Fee Scholarship:

  • Are consultants able to apply? Yes, if the consultant is a current member of AFP of Central Ohio.
  • How is the scholarship awarded? The CFRE application/exam fee scholarship is a reimbursement scholarship. The reimbursement covers up to 50% of the application/exam fee plus the administrative fee. A reimbursement form will be provided to the final scholarship recipients. The form and proof of registration, payment, and completed exam before receiving reimbursement.
  • Do I have to take the exam in 2023 to receive the reimbursement? Yes.
  • Do I have to pass the exam to receive the reimbursement? No.
  • Can I apply for this scholarship to cover application fees for renewals or a subsequent attempt to pass the exam? This scholarship does not cover renewal application fees. Members may only apply for the scholarship if working on initial certification.
  • Can I apply for other scholarships when I apply for this scholarship? Yes, however, the committee will take into consideration other scholarships you have applied for through our chapter.
  • Do I have any requirements for accepting the scholarship? Yes, all scholarship recipients are required to serve on a Central Ohio AFP committee between January 2024 and December 2024. (Recipients may opt to begin serving in 2023, if they so desire but must stay active through December 2024.)

LEAD Scholarship​:

  • Who is able to apply? Current AFP members.
  • Are consultants able to apply? Yes, if the consultant meets the criteria for AFP membership and has a membership that has been expired 30 days or more at time of applying.
  • How is the scholarship awarded? The LEAD scholarship is awarded as a reimbursement for the full cost of registration for LEAD. Scholarship recipients must apply and register before receiving reimbursement. A form and proof registration must then be submitted to the AFP treasurer to receive reimbursement. 

Other Educational Opportunities Scholarships:

  • Who is able to apply? All current members of the Central Ohio AFP chapter. The committee will consider a number of criteria including applicants’ need and involvement in the chapter when awarding.
  • Are consultants able to apply? Yes.
  • How is the scholarship awarded? The educational opportunities scholarships are reimbursement scholarships. Recipients will be reimbursed for 50% of the registration fee up to $400 after providing proof of registration. Recipients are expected to attend the session. There is no reimbursement for any other fees or expenses associated with the course.
  • Which courses qualify? The committee will not be vetting the educational courses applicants propose. Applicants may apply for this scholarship to attend a session put on by AFP, COPGC/PPP, CASE, University of Indiana School of Fundraising, and the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy. As part of the application, applicants will provide a link to information or the course brochure.
  • Can I apply for other scholarships when I apply for this scholarship? Yes, however, the committee will take into consideration other scholarships you have received in the past.
  • Do I have any requirements for accepting the scholarship? Yes, recipients are expected to fully participate in the proposed educational program and are required to serve on a Central Ohio AFP committee for a one year period.
  • I am a consultant. Who should write my recommendation letter? A principal from your consulting firm, a client, an AFP Board member or the chair of the AFP committee you are serving on.

Scholarships & Collegiate Chapter Chair

Tiffany Priest, MPA

Philanthropy Officer - Lutheran Social Services

Contact Me


Position Title: Scholarship Chair

Capacity: Board Member

Reports to: Vice President of Professional Development

Key Responsibilities:

  • Organizes and chairs committee meetings
  • Recruits and enlists committee members; monitors the work of volunteers to ensure timely completion of assignments
  • Determines, coordinates and awards all scholarships for the Chapter
    • Scholarships include: AFP International Conference, CFRE Exam, certificate courses, AFP Education Courses, and membership
    • Communicates scholarships deadlines and application procedures to the Chapter
    • Informs scholarship recipients and non-recipients in a timely fashion
    • Submits all necessary documentation to AFP Global for AFP Conference scholarship recipient (Chamberlain Scholar)
  • With the Volunteer Coordinator and Mentoring Chair tracks committee involvement of mentees and scholarship recipients
  • Works with the Vice President of Communications and Marketing Chair to outline strategies for communicating all scholarship opportunities to membership
  • With committee, personally promotes scholarship opportunities through group and one-on-one communications
  • Develops and submits a budget to the Treasurer by designated deadline; monitors committee income and expenditures
  • Provides timely and up-to-date content to Chapter Administrator and Marketing Chair for website and digital publications
  • Works to successfully achieve goals outlined in Chapter Strategic Plan
  • Ensures there is a succession plan to cultivate a new chair to take his/her place as needed
  • Celebrates success; ensures that celebration includes expressions of gratitude to volunteers
  • Adheres to policies and Board responsibilities as adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Upon leaving office, transfers all records to successor